
Posts Tagged ‘friends in need’

This year I have many things to be thankful for.  I have a loving, supportive circle of family and friends.  I have a beautiful baby girl on the way and wonderful midwife care to keep her and myself healthy.  I have the most wonderful, protective, and love-filled partner in this transition into parenthood.

Right now across the country people are getting together with friends or family, eating a lot, and hopefully surrounding themselves with love.  There’s someone specific I would like to be especially surrounded by love today.

Tashi King is a friend of mine, and one of the most beautiful people I have encountered.  I’m talking a spiritual beauty (although she is very physically beautiful as well).  She surrounds herself with a kind of light that is a joy to be around.  Right now she could really use some love and support… please click her name if you are interested in her story.

Much thanks and love

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